Community Plans

Community Comprehensive Plan: February 2020

The vision from our members describes a community that is independent, healthy, housed, educated and living our culture. The desire is to have a vibrant economy, improved infrastructure, appropriate leadership and a clean environment. This discussion of a community vision has helped us shape our goals, objectives and a plan of action.

Community planning is an on-going process. Planning doesn’t end, but moves forward through each step and continues as we achieve results in our community. Our plan for the future is comprehensive, touching on the eight interrelated areas of community planning. These areas are all-inclusive, directly relating to the themes in our plan.

Click here to view our CCP

Community Energy Plan

Penelakut Tribe Community Energy Plan was created to identify energy efficiency opportunities for residential and community buildings and renewable energy development prospects within Penelakut’s Traditional Territory. The CEP process was guided by community-identified goals and ongoing feedback. This document is supported by audits and assessments completed by energy efficiency and renewable energy professionals.

Marine Use Plan

“Pune’luxutth’ Tribe envisions a future in which: our inherent rights to protect, manage and conserve our marine resources and waters according to our own laws are respected and upheld; our marine resources are plentiful and health; our beaches and waters are clean; and our community and its people are vibrant and strong.  In this vision, our traditional knowledge and way of life are cherished and protected and passed from the Elders and knowledge keepers to our young people to ensure that future generations will have the opportunity to prosper in our rich marine environment.”

Click here to view the Marine Use Plan

Land Use Planning

“Penelakut’s Land Use Plan recognizes the unique characteristics of our land.  It defines how we are currently using this land and its resources, and the ways in which we want our community to grow and develop.  It also specifies areas that should be preserved and protected.”

Our land provides us with food, freshwater, beaches, ocean views, wildlife, and a place to live.  Each of these contributes to our ancestors and is the basis upon which our community can grow and prosper.

Spune’luxutth’ Tribe’s Land Use Plan recognizes the unique characteristics of our land.  It defines how we are currently using this land and its resources, and the ways in which we want our community to grow and develop.  It also specifies areas that should be preserved and protected.

Click here to view our draft land use plan