
Penelakut Health utilizes a blend of services that are based on traditional and modern practices to create a well-rounded service for membership.

Traditional practices are gathered from the traditional knowledge holders, which mobilizes the information for the community. Modern practices help to keep the most recent practices accessible for everyone to utilize. 

Health Centre

The Penelakut Tribe Health Department oversees a number of programs and services that are catered to the needs of the community. Health care develops different activities for the membership that provide opportunities for healthy community development; as well as, providing amenities for the community to reduce barriers for health-based services. The Penelakut Tribe Health Department oversees a number of programs and services that ensure that our community is well cared for. This includes medical and dental services as well as counselling and other support groups.

  • Dental services
  • Doctor services
  • Men’s Group
  • Women’s Group
  • Family Group
  • Alcohol & Drug Counselling
  • Child & Youth Groups
  • Childhood Youth & Family Counselling
  • Registered Nurse Immunizations
  • Home Care Nurse
  • Probation Officer
  • Good Food Box
  • Diabetics, Chronic Conditions, Pre and Post Natal Exercise Group