Penelakut Island Elementary School - Reopening plan September 8, 2020
September 01, 2020PIES Reopening Plan

Penelakut Island Elementary School is planning to reopen to in-class instruction for a full day on September 8, 2020 at 8:20. We have put in accommodations to attempt to open as safely as possible.
1) The school will be open for a full day on September 8, 2020.
2) Although the staff are required to be here for 4.5 days a week we will have in-class instruction for 4 days a week to ensure we are planned for a whole week and are addressing any issues that may arise in a timely manner.
3) The instructional day will be from 8:20-3:20 with staggered recesses and lunches.
4) The doors will open at 8:00 am, We ask that students do not arrive before this time.
5) We ask that parents screen their children for sickness and/or symptoms, The BCCDC website has a list of the symptoms to watch for;
a. If sick please keep home.
b. If students have any symptoms please take them directly to the Health Centre for screening.
6) The bus will be picking up students and dropping off students. There are bus protocols such as:
a. Loading from the back to the front.
b. One to a seat except for siblings.
c. Every other seat.
d. Students will be screened for a fever prior to getting on the bus
7) We encourage students that live close to the school to please either walk or ride their bike while the weather is pleasant.

9) Students and staff will be screened for fever prior to entering the school.
10) Students and staff will have safety precautions when entering and leaving the building.
11) We ask that any visitors to the school please come to the main doors, knock and we will let you in. When you enter please use the hand sanitizer and wear a mask.
12) Students will not be required to wear a mask, but masks are available if they choose.
13) Students will be assigned to POD (Learning Groups), which will be two classes together.
14) Literacy and Numeracy will be the focus in the morning and outside instruction will be encouraged during the afternoon.
15) If a student is sick at school:
a. They will be taken to the medical room.
b. The parent/care giver will be contacted immediately to pick up the student-It is vital at this time to update all your contact information with Laura Lynn Jack
c. If the student has not been picked up in thirty minutes they will be taken to the Health Centre for further assessment
16) If there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 then the band manager will be contacted and band protocols will be put in place to ensure the safety of the school and community.
17) We do realize that it is vital to eliminate any possibilities of COVID 19 coming onto the island, but we feel this plan should minimize the possibilities of sickness in the school.
18) August 31-September 4 the school will be conducting orientation and assessments for all students.
19) NEW PARENTS: that are registering their child/Children to preschool, Laura will have the forms available at the front desk. Please call in advance to minimize having all parents registering their children at once.
Parents are welcome to attend.
If you have not been contacted by your child’s teacher to schedule a time or have any questions please contact the school at 250-246-4041.